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Who will create 5 million new jobs?

June 15, 2012

Women entrepreneurs will create 5 million new jobs nationwide by 2018? Wow. These jobs are sure needed in America (and around the world) today.

We are an economic powerhouse. This is what a 2009 Guardian Life research study suggested and we are well on our way to doing just that.

So the question is…how do we take our small businesses from well…small…to the next level where we can do our part in economic growth? How do we get past all the ways we limit ourselves again and again? How do we learn to bank on our unique strengths?

Over the past year, I’ve distilled my top 9 tips from over 20 years of helping small business owners grow their businesses  and wrapped them into a teleseminar called Business Boost 101. These models, tools, and skills are proven to generate a boost in any business, income, and career.

How do I know this? I learn every day from business women who succeed. I watch what they do and bring their attention to what works. As we figure out how to amply and refine their approaches, their success increases.

I spent hours and hours putting all these years of experience into these 9 key models and approaches that will open opportunities for your growth, at the right pace for you, so that your inner stillness and fertile creativity also flourish along with the kind of significant results you most want. I’m very excited to share them with you!

It’s frustrating to feel alone as an entrepreneur. The 3 part seminar also includes ample time to ask your gnarly questions, learn from each other, and receive vital support in stepping out of procrastination and into your feminine wisdom and personal power.

Business Boost starts Thursday, 6/21 so sign up today to get your workbook and start your own acceleration. (If you need to miss a session – they will be recorded.)

If you’d like to learn more from the research I mentioned above, check out The Guardian Life Index: What Matters Most to America’s Small Business Owners. It provides new insights about the professional management approach practiced by women small business owners – one that they believe will significantly transform the workplace environment for millions of Americans in the coming years.

“This women-led management approach will have a profound impact on the employees and customers connected to these businesses,” said John Krubski, futurist and research advisor to The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute.  “Women small business owners will ultimately create more opportunities for employees to grow in their jobs and inspire others to start their own small business – all while providing customers with superior service.”

With special relevance to the tight credit many women experience today, the projection also reflects that women-owned businesses are more often self-funded than male-owned ones and are therefore less reliant on bank financing. The Institute’s projections are based on “a rigorous analysis of converging factors, including the faster growth rate of women-owned businesses vs. male-owned; higher college graduation rates by women vs. men; and the predicted growth of industry sectors and occupations dominated by women.”

  How do you most want to grow your business? What difference do you hope to make?

Warmest regards,


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